Congratulations to Helena for beling highlighted on the Honors College website (https://honors.purdue.edu/news/article/helena-lysandrou.html)! Helena's research work on harnessing notch signaling for scaffold-based bone regenerative engineering was selected for the “Top Research Poster Award of Excellence” at the SURF Research Symposium.
Welcome Ethan Hillman
Welcome Ethan to start the PULSe rotation in our group this Fall.
Welcome Matthew Korey
Welcome Matt to join our group as a PhD student this Fall.
Family University
Prof. Deng was nominated by the Purdue Student Union Board (PSUB) students to participate in “Family University”, a new Purdue Family Weekend initiative. Family University is an opportunity for students, parents and family members to enjoy short lectures together by faculty members who make learning interesting and engaging, as nominated by students. Prof. Deng gave a talk entitled ""Regenerative Biomaterials: Convergence of Materials Science, Cell Biology, and Translational Bioengineering" engaging with the families of our Purdue students (http://www.purdue.edu/parentandfamily/things_to_do/Family_Weekend/2015_FamilyUniversity.html).

Bowen Engineering Summit
Our lab hosted students in the 9th-11th grades from the Center of Leadership Development (CLD) in Indianapolis during the Minority Engineering Program & Bowen Engineering Youth Summit on August 29, 2015. This one-day initiative will help stimulate participant’s interests in engineering and STEM fields. The goal is to encourage students in the 9th-11th grades to attend college and pursue technical degrees. Thanks to the group members who made this event successful!

Welcome Jessica Zuponcic
Welcome Jessica to join our group as a PhD student this Fall. Congratulations to Jessica for being awarded the prestigious Purdue Doctoral Fellowship!
Congratulations to Madeline, Nicole, Helena, and Grant for the great work in their summer research!

Congratulations to Helena for winning the 'Top Research Poster' entitled "Harnessing Notch Signaling for Biomaterial Scaffold-based Bone Regeneration" at the 2015 SURF research symposium (https://engineering.purdue.edu/Intranet/Groups/Programs/SURF/Galleries/2015/Banquet/0108Surf_15.jpg)!
Postdoctoral positions
Our lab has two immediately available postdoctoral positions: 1) for the development of biomaterials for controlled delivery of drugs/biological factors; and 2) for the development of cell-instructive biomaterials for musculoskeletal tissue repair and regeneration. Our laboratory is located in the Bindley Bioscience Center in Discovery Park, which includes state-of-the-art life sciences and engineering research facilities at Purdue University. Our research is based on the convergence of materials science, micro/nano-scale engineering, and cell biology/medicine. Applicants should have a strong research interest in biomaterials and have a doctoral degree in engineering, pharmaceutical science, chemistry, cell biology, medicine, or other related areas. The desirable candidate should have a track record of research experience in design and evaluation of biomaterials as evidenced by high quality publications. The successful candidate will benefit from working in our multidisciplinary research environment that includes chemists, bioengineers, cell biologists, pharmaceutical scientists, and surgeons.
To apply, please send Professor Deng (deng65@purdue.edu) the following documents in a single pdf file: (i) a cover letter stating your research experience, research interests and career plan and (ii) curriculum vitae along with contact information for at least three references.
Professor Deng is selected by the Showalter Trust Selection Committee to receive a 2015 Showalter Trust Award for the project entitled "Polymer-based Therapeutics for Treatment of Obesity and Diabetes". Professor Deng is also awarded a Summer Faculty Grant from the Purdue Research Foundation. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Madeline for receiving a one-year intership to conduct research in our group through Transdisciplinary Obesity Prevention Research Sciences (TOPRS)!

Congratulations to Nicole, Helena, Grant for receiving Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF)!

Welcome to the Deng Lab

The Deng Lab focuses on both the fundamental understanding of cellular processes in tissue development and engineering effective biomaterial systems for therapeutic applications.

Invited Lecture
NIH Grant
Biomaterials Classes

Last Update: 2014 The Deng Lab