Regenerative Engineering and Translational Medicine has been launched by Springer in partnership with the Regenerative Engineering Society (http://www.springer.com/materials/biomaterials/journal/40883). The new international journal will cover the convergence of tissue engineering, advanced materials science, stem cell research, the physical sciences, and developmental biology.

Papers on instructive biomaterials, stimuli-responsive biomaterials, micro- and nano-patterning for regenerative engineering, elastomeric biomaterials, hydrogels for tissue engineering, and rapid prototyping and bioprinting approaches are particularly welcome.

Congratulations to Maggie and Carter for winning the 1st Place in the College of Engineering at the annual Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium. Their project is entitled "Biomimetic Polymeric Scaffolds for Cell-based Skeletal Muscle Regeneration". Great work!
Congratulations to Deng Lab
The Deng Lab in collaboration with Prof. Dong Qiu's group at the Institute of Chemistry of Chinese Academy of Sciences received a grant from the Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences (BNLMS) Research Fund to develop bioinspired nanocomposites for bone engineering. Congratulations!
Regenerative Biomaterials
The new journal Regenerative Biomaterials where Prof. Deng serves as an Editorial Board member published its first issues by Oxford University Press (http://rb.oxfordjournals.org/)

Regenerative Biomaterials
Welcome Mario Cano
Welcome Mario Cano, a student from the National University of Mexico to join our group as a PhD student this Spring.
Welcome Dr. Chunhui Jiang
Welcome Dr. Chunhui Jiang to join our group as a postdoctoral fellow.
Welcome new undergraduates
Welcome Kimberly Wylin, Nicole Whittern, Kelsey Bullens, and Grant Gellert to join our group as undergraduate researchers.
2014 BMES Meeting
Prof. Deng will serve as the session chairs for the Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, and Orthopaedics and Rehab Engineering Tracks at the 2014 BMES Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.
Congratulations to Maggie and Carter for the great summer research work which has been highlighted by the ABE department.

Maggie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpUnWzGpDuo&feature=youtu.be

Carter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wngT36Vga2U&feature=youtu.be
Biomaterials Day
Prof. Deng will be an invited speaker at 6th annual Society for biomaterials Sponsored Biomaterials Day.


Welcome to the Deng Lab

The Deng Lab focuses on both the fundamental understanding of cellular processes in tissue development and engineering effective biomaterial systems for therapeutic applications.

Invited Lecture
NIH Grant
Biomaterials Classes

Last Update: 2014 The Deng Lab